Empty Santa’s Hidden Stashes–Celebrate A Pirate Style Christmas!
Dec 17 2013In order to deliver his presents on time, Santa relies not on magic but a gigantic distribution network with hidden present stashes throughout the galaxy. Vega smugglers have developed a […]Master the RavenDynamics Sol System Challenge for Brand-New Spaceships!
Dec 11 2013Cross-galactic enterprise RavenDynamics has opened up a previously inaccessible, small planetoid in the Sol System for large-scale resource mining operations. While their extraction technology is in place, RavenDynamics needs to […]Halloween in Pirate Galaxy: Save Lyris From the Gamma-Bamba Invasion!
Oct 25 2013It’s this time of the year again: The Gamma-Bambas have returned to our dimension, and this Halloween they are more fierceful than ever. Gamma-Bamba portals are opening everywhere on Lyris; […]Pin Your Favorite Pics From Pirate Galaxy on Pinterest!
Oct 23 2013After conquering both Facebook and Google+, Pirate Galaxy has now landed on Pinterest as well. Follow our board on Pinterest and pin your favorite pics from Pirate Galaxy—or all of […]Pirate Galaxy Update: Get Your Plus!
Sep 19 2013Whether you have been fighting Mantis for years or you just joined Pirate Galaxy – today we introduce a great new feature for all of you: Pirate Galaxy Plus will […]Pirate Galaxy Event: Intercept the Mantis’ Drone Technology Tests from Vega to Draconis
Sep 18 2013The Mantis are Testing New Drone Technology! Mantis field tests with some new kind of drone technology seem to be well underway. So far we have no idea what this […]See the First Piece of “Lost Hangar” Concept Art Here
Sep 06 2013As this image has already leaked early this week and many of you have probably seen it by now, we decided that everyone should have the right to get their […]Share Pirate Galaxy with the World – Follow us on Google+
Sep 04 2013Pirate Galaxy keeps conquering the world of social media: Almost 40,000 Likes on Facebook speak for themselves, and if you prefer running circles around your friends (sorry, could not resist) […]Pirate Galaxy Vega Event: The Mantis got Hold of our Hunter Parsec Tech!
Aug 28 2013Up until now the silhouette of the AnIn-H33 Hunter Parsec was a terrifying image to any Mantis unit on Lyris. The breathtaking Shock/Sniper hybrid had quickly become the weapon of choice […]The Easiest Way to Play: Get Pirate Galaxy From the Chrome Web Store!
Aug 22 2013You love playing Pirate Galaxy, and you are using the Chrome web browser? Now you can enjoy a super easy way to get into the game, because Pirate Galaxy is available […]