Changelog November 4th 2011

Improvements Quarc Conversion is now not costing gold but costs you more transmitter charges Personal jump drive now recharges in 1 hour instead of 24hours Old Conquest planets reactivated and […]


  • Quarc Conversion is now not costing gold but costs you more transmitter charges
  • Personal jump drive now recharges in 1 hour instead of 24hours
  • Old Conquest planets reactivated and schedule updtaded
    • Day Time StarSystem Planet Reward
    • Monday 18:00 Sol Mercury Beryl Graviton
    • Monday 20:00 Vega Junkyard Micalite Graviton
    • Tuesday 18:00 Antares Remo Iodyne Graviton
    • Tuesday 20:00 Mizar Ob Micalite Graviton
    • Wednesday 18:00 Vega Dante Citrine Graviton
    • Wednesday 20:00 Sol Saturn Iodyne Graviton
    • Thursday 18:00 Gemini Iga Pyrope Graviton
    • Thursday 20:00 Antares Goya Citrine Graviton
    • Friday 18:00 Gemini Desai Beryl Graviton
    • Friday 20:00 Vega Junkyard Micalite Graviton
    • Saturday 18:00 Mizar Cosmo Beryl Graviton
    • Saturday 20:00 Sol Venus Iodyne Graviton
    • Sunday 18:00 Vega Dante Citrine Graviton
    • Sunday 20:00 Draconis Valkion Pyrope Graviton
  • Sirius standard Lvl65 blueprints changed to 67 blueprints
  • Changed Personal Jump drive costs from gold to energy
  • Confirmation dialog for cashshop purchases implemented
  • Ancient ship armor upgrade for parsec armor and methanoid armor for draconis level 70 ships (+25% HP) available in jump ship

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed a bug for players that caused the piratemode to make them avoid all shots while in a mission from pirates outside the mission
  • Fixed a bug that caused the layout on the star map to show XX when no value is shown
  • Fixed a bug that caused you to get cryonite for finishing a mission every time and not just the first time
  • Fixed a bug in Sirius mission Ancient Defenders that caused the spawned enemies to attack other enemies
  • Fixed a bug in Sirius mission Ancient Protector that caused the spawned enemy to attack other enemies
  • Fixed a bug that caused the LvL 65 sirius Attack droid to not be launched
  • Fixed a bug in Gemini Mission Exploration Nation that cuased it to fail at 50%
  • Fixed a bug that caused some quest enemies to have a higher drop than wanted