Here are the changes for the upcoming version that will go live next wednesday.
Fixed Bugs
- The Help button when choosing your realm after user login was removed
- Fixed a bug that caused the Lvl 71 Orbital Strike to need too much time before it did explode
- Fixed a Sol Mission US AND THEM which caused it to not continue on Mars
- Fixed a bug that caused some Sirius Planets so players could not land on them
- Fixed few mission bugs that caused few tiny problems on the server
- Fixed a bug that caused Draconis Mission Sol Reprisal to not spawn Orbital strikes and not the correct amount of mines
- Fixed a bug in Siriusmission EXPLORE THE OBELISK that caused it to not spawn enemies
- Fixed an exploit that caused items to be collected even when you already orbiting which also caused problems with some missions
- Fixed a Sol Mission AMORAL MISSION that caused it to get into a state to fail without cause
- Fixed a bug on Sirius gravitonshield which caused ti to use wrong graviton to charge a shield
- Fixed a bug that caused Defender attackturret and repairfieldturret to have no effect on owner if he was not in a squad while doing a mission
- Fixed a bug in Sirius Mission ELITE SQUAD SPOTTED that caused it to not be completable
- Fixed a bug that caused the Client to freeze in starmap
//not in version