Pirates We Are Meant To Be —
Grab The Gifts And Leave The Tree!
The event lasts from December 15, 2 PM server time* to January 1 2023, 11:59 PM server time*
As in previous years, only the A036 locator drone will detect Santa's hidden present stashes (available only during the event).
Rewards from present stashes
- Spaceships
- AnIn-H33 Hunter Parsec
- AnIn-S78 Disruptor
- HyAn Mutilator Parsec
- MST-Y Locust Hybrid
- Drones
- A103 Visor BP Tracker Drone
- AR1 Division Drone
- Color patterns
- Christmas Event Snowflake
- Gravitons
- Beryl Graviton
- Citrine Graviton
- Iodyne Graviton
- Micalite Graviton
- Pyrope Graviton
- Spaceships
- Mantis Vega Tank
- Mantis Gemini C-Engineer
- Mantis Sol Storm
- RC-X-01 Claw
- RDX-01 Obsidian
- RDX-03 Black Granite
- RDX-05 Marlstone
- RDX-07 Paragneiss
- RDX-09 Black Slate
- RDX-10 Blazing Lava
- RDX-11 Pitchstone
- Drones
- A137 Assassin Drone
- PG925 Energy Boost Drone
- Color patterns
- Christmas Event Present
- Christmas Event Snowman
- Christmas Event Tree
- Don't Panic
- Hitchhiker
- Towel
Global boosters
- Energy+ (150% energy from orbs)
- Blueprint droprate+ (150% blueprint drop chance from enemies)
Christmas Super Sale
- Xmas sale during the event (Dec 15 ‒ Jan 1 2023)
- Item sale following the event (Jan 2 ‒ Jan 8 2023)
* Askone, Korell, Trantor, Aurora, Kalgan: CET | Solaria, Gaia, Aeria: EST