3 years ago the human space colony in the Vega system was battered by a continuous brutal onslaught from an alien race that became known as the Mantis.
Stopping at nothing, the attackers’ cruelty made colonists and smugglers alike fear that total annihilation was just a matter of time, not just for them but all of humanity. In these desperate times rivalries and disputes were finally laid to rest, and a reunited human resistance rose just as hope for survival had almost been lost.
This last effort, as we all know today, turned the tide towards the persistence of the human race in Vega, and it did not stop there. Other colonies were being freed eventually with the help of new allies.
To celebrate the third anniversary of human resistance against the Mantis, thousands of presents had been meticulously crafted and packaged during past months that would score participants of the celebration a fantastic reward. On top of that, the befriended Methanoids had announced they wanted to contribute as well.
But the Mantis found out. Eager to deal a vengeful blow to humanity they struck down all the cargo vessels shipping presents for the celebration and took whatever they could take. Devastated at first, the celebration committee quickly recalled the spirit of the original resistance:
Calling all pilots!
This is what you need to know about getting your presents back from the Mantis:”

- Presents can be recaptured from April 27 to May 14, anywhere from Vega to Draconis but not within the Sirius Singularity.
- Silver Gray presents can be found almost anywhere. They are scattered across planet surfaces and await being picked up.
- Sky Blue presents have been snatched by quick Mantis Scavengers. Hunt them down to get these presents back.
- Saffron Yellow presents are heavily guarded by Mantis, likely requiring teamwork. Storage towers must be destroyed in order to get your hands on these presents again.
- Cobalt Blue presents were picked up by huge Mantis Araneas. They will be hard to overcome, but the troubles really are worth it.