- The event will start on October 19th at 2 PM local server time*
- Global boosters:
- Shield+ (20% damage reduction)
- Blueprint droprate+ (120% blueprint drop chance from enemies)
- Rare blueprints:
- Mizar blueprints
- Mizar Maneuver Damage Inverter
- Mizar Mindstorm Corruption Cloud
- Mizar Mischief Scope Shifter
- Sol blueprints
- Sol Shifter Damage Inverter
- Sol Shroud Corruption Cloud
- Sol Stymie Scope Shifter
- Draconis blueprints
- Draconis Deviant Damage Inverter
- Draconis Derange Corruption Cloud
- Draconis Drawback Scope Shifter
- Sirius blueprints
- Sirius Ancient Damage Inverter (regular/long/strong)
- Sirius Ancient Corruption Cloud (regular/long/strong)
- Sirius Ancient Scope Shifter (regular/long/strong)
- Spaceship & drone blueprints
- AnIn-T79 Emperor Parsec
- Alien Pumpkin Drone (increases your ship's hit chance)
- Note that different event units carry different sets of blueprints.
These also differ between star systems!
- Mizar blueprints
* Askone, Korell, Trantor, Aurora, Kalgan: CEST | Solaria, Gaia, Aeria: EDT