The Union of Galactic Spaceball Associations is bringing back their
popular ball game tourney to 20 planets throughout the galaxy.
A131 Dualstrike Drone
Upgrade the drone by completing Spaceball achievements!

Increases both your ship's component range and damage output by up to 10%!
This special drone levels up each time you complete a star system's set of Spaceball achievements.
- Get the blueprints for the A131 Dualstrike Drone through playing event missions.
- Event progress is based on achievements. On each event planet, complete the Spaceball mission solo, solo while in Pirate Mode, in a squadron, and in a squadron while in Pirate Mode.
- There are 4 event planets in Vega, 2 in Antares, 3 in Gemini, 2 in Mizar, 3 in Sol, 2 in Draconis, 2+1 in Tau Ceti and 1 in Oort.
- Global boosters will be running throughout the event:
- Shield+ 25% damage reduction
- Cryonite Protection+ reduces amount of cryonite lost to 67% of usual rate
- Kick-off is on June 13, 2 PM server time*, and the event will be running till July 14.
* Askone, Korell, Trantor, Aurora, Kalgan: CEST | Solaria, Gaia, Aeria: EDT