Here are the changes for the upcoming version that will go live the following wednesday.
- The achievements are now sorted by name
- Meta achievements now are no longer locked achievements
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed several small issues in the client that could lead it to malfunction and crash
- Fixed a bug that caused the error message when a clanship is already owned to show the key instead of the string
- Fixed a bug that could cause the squadron menu within the zonemenu to not work anymore
- Fixed a bug that could cause the automatic spawning of planet rares to not work
- Fixed a bug that caused the click command to be off when having a zonemenu or missionmenu open which resulted the ship to fly to a wrong direction
- Fixed a bug in the squadron tab of the zone menu that caused it to show %2 as missionname
- Fixed a bug that could cause a chat message to not be transmitted to the recipient
- Fixed a bug in the clan that caused some things to not update properly (like change of clan admiral)
- Fixed a bug in the race missions that caused them to not mark the next checkpoint on the map
- Fixed a bug on conquest planets that caused the camera to zoom out although user is in orbit, this was caused by being disconnected when being on the planet
- Fixed a bug in the ignorelist that could cause it to not work properly
- Fixed a bug in the last exploration achievement that triggered it to not work
- Fixed a bug in the Antares PM mission achievement that triggered it to not be achievable
- Fixed a bug in facebook and Hi5 view that caused the resolution to be incorrect values when switching to fullscreen and back to browser mode
- Removed the AllRareConquestShipItems achievement as it was not working
- Fixed a bug that caused the client to use more CPU than needed
- Fixed a bug that caused the client to use more GPU than needed