Dev Shack Introduction
Dear Space Pirates,
A Prosperous New Year 2016 to You All!
Admittedly, we have not exactly provided you with a steady flow of developer news in the past. We would like to change that, and for this reason we are introducing a new section in the forum called the “Dev Shack”. The Shack is where we put the latest information about planned changes and updates as well as less important “dev stuff” for you to enjoy or ignore—and to comment: Above all, we are interested in your feedback on what we develop so we can identify potential problems and opportunities way before we publish an update.
Our contributions to the Dev Shack will be in English only, simply because we can write more when we omit the translation work. Your replies can be written in any language, but using English as well may get you and your feedback a greater audience. If you are completely lost when it comes to reading and writing English, online translators will get you on board.
Stay tuned for more stuff coming to the Dev Shack!