Easter’s Over — Summer’s Calling

We celebrated our second birthday and easter 2011 for two weeks and two days. You diligently were on the prowl for easter bunnies and let those rodents no time to […]

We celebrated our second birthday and easter 2011 for two weeks and two days. You diligently were on the prowl for easter bunnies and let those rodents no time to rest. But the time has come to let them paint new eggs for next year. Summer’s calling.

And it was a huge party: 140,000 times you joined one of the easter missions to shoot easter bunnies. Thereby you fired tons of cake and confetti, collected over half a million eggs and eliminated far, far more that a million easter bunnies. Now it’s time sit back and relax.

Now summer’s calling and we have some great plans for the upcoming months. What you can currently do with your Gravitons is just the modest beginning. Prepare for a whole new chapter in the pirate galaxy universe.